In the face of climate change and the decline in biodiversity, particularly in the fragile valley of the Sambirano river in Madagascar, we must unite, perform a specific analysis of the issues and seek solutions on a local level. The Valrhona Foundation is implementing this approach as part of the Landscape project with the inhabitants of the valley, whether they are farmers or not, as well as local public authorities and agricultural sector players: cocoa and chocolate, spices, perfume plants, etc.
The aim is to set up a catchment basin committee, which would be a genuine risk management system on a local level, bringing together all the players. The objective is therefore to carry out a regional risk analysis and to set up a platform of partners to then deploy local support and action program.
The COVID-19 crisis has slowed the risk mapping process, but already more than 130 meetings of local actors have begun to define the outlines of the future local organization that will design and implement solutions throughout the valley.