Regeneration of Creole Gardens
Haïti (2/2)





Cost & progress

207 801€


After 3 years of partnership with the french NGO Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders (AVSF), we are proud to present the results of this project and the subsequent developments.

Project Overview 

The project is located in Haiti, in 3 municipalities in the northern department. Its main objective is to regenerate cocoa plots and strengthen traceability while preserving forest resources. It aims to improve the living conditions of cocoa-producing families by intensifying agroecology and developing the commercial capacities of cooperatives. It is implemented by AVSF. 

Before going further, here are some definitions of “regeneration”: regenerating cocoa plots means revitalizing old cocoa plantations to ensure the ecological, economic, and social sustainability of farms. This approach focuses on promoting: 

  • Agroecological practices that improve productivity. 
  • Associated crops that allow for diversification and increased income for farming families. 

Project Expectations 

  • Increase the technical and economic performance of various agroforestry systems. 
  • Enhance the diversification of productions within the plots. 
  • Measure the contribution of plot regeneration to the income of producing families and put it in perspective with the estimated decent income. 
  • Capitalize on and share the performances of different agroforestry systems with cocoa sector stakeholders. 

Achievements 2021-2024: 

Regeneration of Plots:  89 plots over 40 hectares have been regenerated. Three types of agroforestry systems (AFS) were studied: 

  • AFS A: Low-density cocoa with fruit, forest, and food crops. 
  • AFS B: Medium-density cocoa with a predominance of food crops. 
  • AFS C: High-density cocoa with food, fruit, and forest crops. 

The economic performance of regeneration was compared by cross-referencing these different agroforestry systems and climatic zones (dry, wet, semi-wet). 

Techno-Economic Analyses: 

  • 109 farm accounts were prepared (costs and revenues of plots) and analyzed to measure performance in terms of average yield and gross added value. 
  • Analysis of the socio-economic impacts of regenerated plots on farms: 
  • Comparison of agricultural incomes with incomes from other sectors (motorcycle taxi, teacher, manufacturing). 

The three major lessons from the 2021-2024 period: 

Plot regeneration positively impacts farms: 

  • Regenerated plots positively influence farm incomes: they contribute on average to more than 40% of the total added value of farms. 
  • Only motorcycle taxi drivers sometimes earn a more attractive minimum wage than producers (vs. workers and teachers). 

Associated crops positively impact incomes and make families less vulnerable to crises (self-consumption). They contribute between 64 and 80% to the average income. 

Regeneration does not systematically allow families to achieve a decent income: Except for 3 exceptions, no farm reaches the estimated living income threshold (even at 75%). The net added value generated by the farms does not allow for a decent life regardless of the type of AFS and the type of zone. 

Continuation of the Partnership: 

The performances of agroforestry systems have been capitalized, discussed, and disseminated in a report produced in 2024. This document summarizes the strengths and limitations of plot regeneration. It presents recommendations for the continuation of activities, including the conditions to create and levers to activate to enable cocoa-producing communities to move closer to a decent income. 

Based on this capitalization report, the Valrhona Solidarity Fund and AVSF have signed a partnership for an additional 3 years: 2024-2026. 


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