Dibobly Water Tower, Ivory Coast




Dibobly, Ivory Coast

Cost & progress




Dibobly is a city located in the Guemon region on the ivory coast. This city counts 15 000 inhabitants and encounters recurrent difficulties in supplying drinking water. 

Each year, the water wells are drying up during the dry season, which poses real difficulties to water access. Parallelly; the quality of water points decreases during the season, which constitutes a health risk for the inhabitants. 

In order to supply themselves in water, they need to walk many kilometers every day to barely even meet their needs. It is a physical task as the water tanks are sometimes heavy. 

In a partnership with Ecookim and the Capedig, we decided to finance the construction of a water tower to provide three public fountains in Dibobly. 


The aimed impacts of this construction: 

  • Ensure and secure an access to drinking water all year round, especially during the dry season for the city’s 15 000 inhabitants 
  • Reduce the tediousness of the supply by reducing the walking distance  
  • Improvement of the hygiene and health conditions by decreasing the sanitary risks linked to bad water consumption. 


The drilling work first started in 2021. The delivery of the water tower and its set up are planned for the next weeks!  


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