“Graines de Pâtissier France”

Graines de Pâtissier is a program operated by the Valrhona Foundation since 2017. Originally, it was observed that more than 12% of young people aged 15 to 29 in France are “neither in employment, nor in education, nor in training.” In 2021, this equated to 1.4 million young people according to INSEE. At the same […]

Regeneration of Creole Gardens
Haïti (2/2)

Project Overview  The project is located in Haiti, in 3 municipalities in the northern department. Its main objective is to regenerate cocoa plots and strengthen traceability while preserving forest resources. It aims to improve the living conditions of cocoa-producing families by intensifying agroecology and developing the commercial capacities of cooperatives. It is implemented by AVSF.  […]

School and canteen in Konedougou, Ivory Coast

The newly built primary school replaces the old one that could not accommodate children during rainy season. It consists of 3 classrooms, a principal’s office, and a toilet block, and now offers students good learning conditions throughout the year. Next to the school, we also built a canteen and equipped it with cooking stoves and […]

Petit Bouaké Canteen, Ivory Coast

Petit Bouaké is located in the Duékoué region in the east of Côte d’Ivoire. Its public elementary school has 186 students.  The school does not provide on-site catering for the students who often have to go home for lunch. In partnership with Ecookim and Capedig, we chose to finance the construction of a school canteen […]

Mixed-crop Creole-style gardens

Project presentation  Our goal is to strengthen cocoa crops productivity and the food security of households through two concrete actions:  Regeneration of cocoa crops/plots in the northern region  Ecological intensification of associated crops  To execute this project, the Fonds Solidaire associated with FECCANO and with Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF)    Results of the […]

Dibobly Water Tower, Ivory Coast

Dibobly is a city located in the Guemon region on the ivory coast. This city counts 15 000 inhabitants and encounters recurrent difficulties in supplying drinking water.  Each year, the water wells are drying up during the dry season, which poses real difficulties to water access. Parallelly; the quality of water points decreases during the season, […]

Nadjette Canteen, Ivory Coast

In 2021, the Valrhona Foundation financed the construction of a primary school in the village of Nadjette, in Duékoué, Ivory Coast. In 2022, thanks to the endowment from Johann Dubois, Artisan Chocolatier in Brittany, and our partner, the ECOOKIM Union of Cooperatives, we financed the construction of the Nadjette public school canteen. Building the school […]

Youth and cocoa

In the Carupano region of Venezuela, we are funding the training of 60 young people between the ages of 14 and 19 in vulnerable situations/who leave school to join the cocoa profession. What is the training program? This training, led by Fondacion San José, is structured around 3 main topics: Training on cocoa planting (grafting, […]

Renovation of the elementary school in Guayabal, Venezuela

The Fonds Solidaire Valrhona financed the renovation of this school to allow 90 students and the teaching staff to study and work in good conditions.  The area of Guayabal is located in the municipality of Benitez, in the northwest of Venezuela, where there are many cocoa producing communities. The elementary school in the community of Guayabal […]

Landscape, Madagascar

In the face of climate change and the decline in biodiversity, particularly in the fragile valley of the Sambirano river in Madagascar, we must unite, perform a specific analysis of the issues and seek solutions on a local level. The Valrhona Foundation is implementing this approach as part of the Landscape project with the inhabitants […]